[EP6] Pilot Wife Life - Regional to Mainline Flow Through - Frustrations and Fun

Season #1

Today, on the Pilot Wife Podcast Jackie Ulmer interviews with American Airlines Pilot Wives Kristen Stensby, Jessica Gobble and Deanna Rodecki, who all lived through the frustration of being stuck in the regionals,, waiting to flow through to American Airlines.



They share their insights, experiences, the good, the bad and their best advice for any aviation families dealing with this.


We cover a lot of good things to know!


Grab the Pilot Wife Checklist - 7 Keys to To a Fabulous Pilot Wife Life.


Go to PilotWifeChecklist.com


And, if you have a question,, topic suggestion or would like to BE on the show go to - ask.PilotWifePodcast.com


Share this with any pilot wives, military wives or anyone you know who might share a similar experience.


See you on the next show….