[EP17] Intentionally Creating a New Year and New You

Season #1

It’s that time of year again, goals, intentions, and  - Resolutions.

Do you set them? Do you get them? On today’s show, I’m going to take you through an exercise that will help you take off strong for 2022, cruise smoothly through the year- and arrive at your destination, on 12/31/22 stating - Mission Accomplished…


Grab the guide at newyear.pilotwifepodcast.com

Grab the Pilot Wife Checklist - 7 Keys to To a Fabulous Pilot Wife Life.

Go to PilotWifeChecklist.com


And, if you have a question,, topic suggestion or would like to BE on the show go to - ask.PilotWifePodcast.com


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Share this with any pilot wives, military wives or anyone you know who might share a similar experience.


See you on the next show….