Hack 1 - 2 Questions to Transform Your Healthier Eating


Is It As Simple As Just 2 Questions?

Have you ever been frustrated trying to make changes for the better, only to find that just getting started feels like a huge, upward battle? Overwhelming, confusing and so time consuming.

Do this, do that, eat this, don’t eat that.

Two things come to mind:

A confused mind says “NO!”


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

Today, that changes.


The 2 Questions to Change Your Eating Habits


We are going to begin to bring change about in our eating habits by empowering ourselves to ask 2 easy, “yes or no” questions:


  1. Am I hungry?
  2. Am I full?


That’s it. Each time you reach for the fridge handle, the pantry or cupboard, pause, get present, become aware of how your body and your stomach feels.


Are you truly hungry; or is it a habit? Are you stressed, anxious, angry, sad, or feeling another emotion that feels like it might be satisfied and comforted with food?


The most important thing to know is this: nothing is wrong; no judgement; this is normal for many of us, often from decades old conditioning about food and comfort, which started in childhood.


Our goal now is to stop the cycle; break the habit, and form a new one.


So, ask - Am I hungry? Unless you are falling down from hunger, I’m going to encourage you to drink an 8 ounce glass of water; await 30 minutes, and ask the question again. If the answer is yes - EAT! (Make good choices!)


As you eat, be fully present, and notice when you are full. Ask, am I full? If the answer is yes, STOP regardless if there is one bite left or ten. Just stop.


Weigh in on your thoughts around “Waste.” It can seem “wasteful” to throw it away, and yet eating when you are no longer hungry creates a different kind of “Waist”, which is where it goes.


Save it for another time, if that makes you feel better. Leftovers are great!


Increase your odds for success by using bright sticky notes on the fridge, cupboards, pantry, wine bottles, potato chips, or any other challenging areas!


Will you do this? Will you use the 2 simple questions?


Can I be honest……real…..authentic…..


There is a lot going on “out there” right now, and it’s a mixed bag of emotions and thoughts for most of us.


Maybe for you, too?


My mantra is that life is 50/50, and knowing this empowers me to always look for the good in whatever I experience.


With this in mind, it’s not uncommon to look around and feel:


Sadness, mixed with optimism


Contentment, mixed with anxiety


Compassion, empathy, awareness


And, a deep desire to be part of the solution.


With all of this in mind, it’s normal to turn to eating as a form of buffering, and avoiding the feelings.


Just be aware of this and be kind to yourself.


You are not alone.


Use the facebook group to reach out, or reply back.


Maybe you just need a little bit of encouragement and cheerleading. Who doesn’t?


Being vulnerable is tough, and it is also what builds strength and resolve!


I’m here for you!


Are you ready to live your best life?


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