Seed Cycling For Women's Hormone Support With Intermittent Fasting

nutrition recipes

Seed Cycling For Hormone Balance and Support 

I'm a huge advocate of "Food as Medicine!" It never ceases to amaze me how brilliantly God designed our universe, bodies and lives to work in harmony.

Today, I am going to share what seeds to use and how these seeds support your hormones. And, how I incorporate it into my daily routine, Intermittent Fasting and cycle. And, how to get a solid dose of much needed daily fiber along with this delicious meal!

Peak Performance starts with good nutrition. I’m not just talking about athletic or physical performance. I’m talking about brain performance; and how we show up in all areas of our lives.


I’ve been a personal “body hacker” most of my adult life. When I read Tim Ferris’s book, the 4 Hour Body (might have also been in 4 hour work week) and he talked about turning himself into a human experiment, I could totally relate.


When I hit 50, I realized that my body was not “feeling” like I hoped it would. I was experiencing inflammation, diminished and restless sleep, hormonal issues as I approached menopause and my once over the top energetic self wasn’t quite as spunky.


I’ve tried a lot of different things; food regimens, elimination diets, detox diets, paleo, keto, mediterranean (probably the best for me!) and ultimately, Intermittent Fasting.


Bingo! I found my own personal magic bullet, and can still have my bulletproof coffee, just delayed.


In Cynthia Thurlow’s “Intermittent Fasting Transformation” Book  - I learned about “seed cycling.” 


Have you heard of seed cycling? I can't believe I had never heard of seed cycling until about 2021, as much work as I have done on my hormones, nutrition and overall health and well being.

This simple hormone supporting practice is worth a try if you are one of the millions of women around the globe who struggles with hormone imbalances. I love that it's portable and I've incorporated it into my Intermittent Fasting protocol, and use it to "break my fast" and provide solid nutrition to my body as well.


I never gave my hormone's much thought throughout my life. Things have worked mostly well all these decades so why overthink it?

All of that came to a screeching halt as I entered my menopausal years. My sleep changed, a small "muffin top" plagued me; my periods went haywire, my body became an internal furnace...

While I didn't have a terrible time with hot flashes, I was just hot all of the time. My husband and I completely reversed our sleeping roles with him shivering under all of the blankets and me, sleeping in almost nothing, with just a sheet over me, which I spent most of the night throwing off, then pulling back up.

After researching exhaustively to "figure myself out" and find a solution in as natural a way as possible, I was led to learn more about my hormones.


Turns out, women’s hormones are a very complex system. Keeping things balanced is vitally important. These hormones are largely influenced by our diet, sleep patterns, exercise,  and stress levels.

Then, factor in the many environmental toxins we encounter that we are often unaware of and don't control.

Even a slight hormone imbalance can lead to issues for a number of health concerns in women (and men) of all stages, including sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, weight gain, irregular periods, acne, PCOS, and thyroid disorders.

Seed cycling is one of the easiest ways you can support your hormones in a gentle, yet effective way. My Seed Cycling recipe also incorporates extra fiber into your diet, especially if you add in Hemp and Chia Seeds, which I highly recommend.

How to Add Seed Cycling Into Your Nutrition Plan

Your cycle has 2 phases, so you will use different seeds at different times. If you are post menopause, you can easily do this following the cycle of the New Moon and Full Moon periods.

Days 1- 14  are called the follicular phase of your menstrual cycle. (New Moon Phase)

Days 15-28 are referred to as the luteal phase. (Full Moon)

In the follicular phase, ideally, your hormone levels are balanced, which causes estrogen to rises during that first half of your cycle, and slowly decline during the second phase (luteal.)

Progesterone levels, on the other hand, will rise during the luteal (second half) of the menstrual cycle.

When an imbalance occurs between estrogen and progesterone, we can experience symptoms such as PMS, cramping, acne, irregular cycles, and amenorrhea (missing periods.)

Again, if you are postmenopausal, you'll simply follow the lunar (moon) cycle. On the first day of the new moon, you'll start days 1-14. Then, switch to days 15-28, and repeat.

Here is the simple recipe I use to incorporate this into my cycle, on days 1-14.


I used pumpkin and flaxseeds, added some berries (fiber!), almond or macadamia nut butter (healthy fat), Organic Feta Cheese (sheep), Hemp and Chia seeds for extra fiber,  a sprinkle of cinnamon and a tablespoon of Local organic honey(helps combat allergies). I use this as my “BREAK fast”, after a 12-18 hour fast.

For me, this is a gentle and effective way to open my eating window after my fast.



Jackie’s “New Moon” Manna Seed Cycling 

1 TBS Pumpkin seeds (* Sunflower Seeds on second phase)
1 TBS Flaxseeds (* Sesame Seeds on second phase)
1/2 cup berries - blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or a combination (about 20 berries total)
1 TBS Almond Butter, Macadamia Nut Butter or any nut butter of your choice
1 TBS sheep's milk (ideally) feta crumbles, softened
1/3-1/2 cup coconut or almond milk, or yogurt
Sprinkle of Ceylon Cinnamon.
1 TBS Local honey

Options: Add 1 TBs Hemp Seeds and 1 TBS Chia Seeds. GREAT for extra fiber, which women typically do not get enough of. Also, add 1 TBS unsweetened coconut flakes.

You can add in or delete anything that doesn't fit for you, except the seeds!!!

Mix and eat. Ideally, make this the night before and allow to "soak" which expands the seeds, especially the chia seeds, and is rumoured for better digestion, particularly those who experience constipation.

* Second Phase, Days 15 - 28, I'll swap out the seed cycle of Pumpkin and Flaxseeds and replace with Sunflower Seeds and Sesame Seeds.

Chia Seeds: The gel that forms when you mix chia seeds with liquid is excellent "food" for your microbiome. Chia seeds can help with gut inflammation and constipation. They’re also very low in lectins.

 Chia seed gel contains polyphenols—plant chemicals that benefit your microbes. A healthy microbiome supports your mood, energy levels, and overall health.


Note: I am not a medical doctor and all content on this blog is not medical advice or recommendations. I am simply sharing my own story and things I've done, researched and personally experienced.  Please always consult your doctor and medical professional before undergoing anything new.



Brent, G.A. 2012. Mechanisms of Thyroid Hormone Action. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 122: 3035-3043

Rettberg, J.R. et al. 2014. Estrogen: A Master Regulator of Bioenergetic Systems in the Brain and Body. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 35: 8-30.

Epel, E., et al. 2001. Stress May Add Bite to Appetite in Women: A Laboratory Study of Stress-Induced Cortisol and Eating Behavior. Psychoneuroendocrinology 26: 37-49.

Moghetti, P. 2016. Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Current Pharmaceutical Design 22: 5526-5534.

Mandl,Elise ,BSc, Msc, APD 2019 Can Seed Cycling Balance Hormones and Ease Menopause Symptoms?

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