[EP21] Maintaining Identity and Purpose Beyond the Pilot

Season #1

What is it about the public that makes so many swoon about a pilot? They ask a million questions and can’t seem to get enough? Maybe it’s just the thrill of flight itself and the thought of being in that “magical office environment” as a job, 30-40,000 feet above the ground.


Whatever the case, as the pilot wife and family, it can seem like your own identity can get lost. Welcome to show #21 of the Pilot wife podcast.


I’m a Peak Performance and mindset coach, and this is the process I mention on the show.




Situation, thoughts, emotion, belief, action, result


Processing your own thoughts, feelings and emotions around any situation is key.


WHO are you? Without the other labels?


WHO do you want to be?


Who are you as a partner to your pilot?


WHO are you in regards to the other hats you wear and labels  “accept” for yourself?


References and Links:

My Short Story - Jackie Ulmer

New Year, New You Guide

Peyton Garland - Not So By Myself


Grab the Pilot Wife Checklist - 7 Keys to To a Fabulous Pilot Wife Life.

Go to PilotWifeChecklist.com


And, if you have a question,, topic suggestion or would like to BE on the show go to - ask.PilotWifePodcast.com


 Follow Jackie Ulmer and the Pilot Wife Podcast on Instagram



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Share this with any pilot wives, military wives or anyone you know who might share a similar experience.


See you on the next show….