Day 30 - Do You Should on Yourself


Let's "Weigh In" Shall We?

Okay, pun intended, but how did you do? We are at 30 days, and we covered some very simple strategies and habit hacks.

Here's the recap in case you missed anything!

1) We talked about two questions and some steps to take before you open your mouth to put food in it. Here is the recap!

2) Our next hack is to start your day fueling right, and my go to recipe (here!)

3) We discussed the importance of Water and Hydration here!

4) We can't Hack what we don't Track here!

5) My "hidden derailers" Foolproof Lunch Hack here!

6) If you are going to snack, do it right! Simple recipe with solid, delicious nutrients here!

7) My simple tip to finish the day right with healthy dinners for success!

And, then of course, my Bonus Hack 8!

1 Hack, 1 Day, 1 at a time - shifting old habits and beliefs and building new ones!

You got this!

Join me in Peak Performance for Life! Coming Soon! Details below!



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